Nebraska Archaeology Month

Celebrate Nebraska Archaeology Month!


Nebraska Archaeology Month, held in September, is a month-long exploration of Nebraska’s archaeological past. It engages professional archaeologists and the citizens of Nebraska in activities showing the archaeological richness of our State in order to encourage a new generation of archaeologists and give citizens a greater appreciation of archaeological site stewardship. Exhibits, lectures, demonstrations, tours, open houses, workshops and other activities are scheduled throughout the state at museums, historic sites, state parks, libraries and colleges. Visit the Archaeology Month Events page to find events happening in your area!

Nebraska Archaeology Month is coordinated by the Nebraska Association of Professional Archeologists, and supported by History Nebraska, the National Park Service – Midwest Archeological Center, the University of Nebraska, the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Nebraska Archaeological Society. Additional support comes from a number of federal, state, and local entities with an interest in the state of Nebraska and its history, including natural resource preserves, museums, historical societies, and libraries.

Starting with our first Archaeology Month in 2014, we have chosen the general theme of Celebrate! We hope that celebrating the archaeology of Nebraska will help to raise awareness about how great our state is and encourage Nebraskans to learn more about what it takes to keep these archaeological sites around for future generations.

Please check back here or on our Facebook page ( for updates that will include event details and other exciting information.

Questions or Comments?

Have questions or are interested in hosting a Nebraska Archaeology Month event in your community? Drop us a line here, on our Facebook page, or at We look forward to hearing from you!

2 thoughts on “Nebraska Archaeology Month

  1. For our Young at Heart church group, we try to entertain and dress our tables for the events of what we may celebrate for Nebraska . Last year we did the hot air balloon event and it really went over great . Thinking about the month of September I see we have a Nebraska archaeology month. Need information and ideas on this subject.


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